Friday 12 August 2011

Cube of 3 digit numbers

Cube of 3 digit number
One easy method to find the cube of a 3 digit number.  let me put an example 462 3

Here let a=4 ; b=6 and c =2

Find the following
ac + b 2 =  8 + 36 = 44  ------(z)
c 3 = 2 3 = 8 --------------------------------------> 8
3bc 2 = 3X6X4 =72 ------------------------------> 2   CF =7
3c X (z) = 6 X 44 = 264 + 7=271 ----------------> 1   CF =27
b(6ac+b 2 ) = 6(48+36) =504 +27=531 ----------> 1   CF = 53
3a X (z) = 12 X 44 = 528 + 53 =581 -------------> 1   CF =58
3a 2 b = 3 X 16 X 6 = 288 +58= 346 -------------> 6   CF =34
a 3 =64 +34 = 98 ---------------------------------> 8
----------------------------------------------------> 9

so 462 3 = 98611128

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